Wednesday - Safari Day & Family Update

on Wednesday, April 16, 2008

From Sammie for Mrs. Howie's Class:

Today I went on a safari and I saw a babboon on the roof of our hotel. A babboon is like a big monkey/gorilla. If you saw one on the roof you'd be really scared. If your Mom and Dad told you what it would do to you, you'd be really scared. On the safari I saw more than 20 babboons! And I saw hippo's! Tell you more tomorrow! Sammie

From Taylor for Mrs. Cunningham's Class:

Today we went to a beautiful game lodge. We also went on a saffari. On the saffari I saw baboons, hippo's, impala's (a gazel like animal), and a bunch of birds. I will show you the pcitres when I get Back! See Ya! Taylor

The Akagera Game Lodge - What an experience

Today we left our hotel in Kigali and drove for about 2 hours into the landscape of what you'd probably imagine Africa to look like. Kigali was much more tropical. Along the way we saw whole villages constructing a drain for the terrential rain that has come each day we've been here. Many people yelled what sounded like "bazooka" at our van... which our driver says means foreigner.

After checking into the lodge, Sammie immediately spotted a baboon. We're told that they come out very frequently and will actually come and try to get food out of your hands or pockets. More on that later. We brought our driver, Emmanuel, down to the safari stop, hired a guide and setoff to see what we could see in the late afternoon. As the kids both mentioned... we saw many baboons! We also saw impalla, many birds, and a few hippo heads. Our scrapbook is going to be tremendous from this trip.

Tomorrow we'll do one more safari drive, and then make our way back to Kigali to start our long journey home. I don't know if we'll get to make an update to you all tomorrow, so please don't panic if you don't see one! We'll probably write again on Saturday.

Love you all!
Kelly & Eric


ilveekmjk said...

How exciting, I want pictures when you get home! I love you guys. Have a safe journey home.

Love Auntie Terry

Mom & Dad said...

Have a safe trip back home. Can't wait to see all the pictures.
We love you all.
Mom and Dad (Oma and Papa)

Anonymous said...

We just started reading today (LOSERS), and what an amazing experience you have to share. I was laughing and crying. I just can't express how proud we are of you! Safe travels home, and I'll be checking every day just in case.
Love you! Les & Alan