Monday update 1 - from Sammie & Taylor for their classrooms

on Monday, April 14, 2008

For Mrs. Howie's class from Sammie -
If you imagined Rwanda, it wouldn't seam like you imagined it, because there are buildings and hotels.
Every morning we go to the breakfast place and their drinks are very good. I have to take Malaria pills every day and the juice drink here helps me, the water in England did not because you could taste the pill.
The children in Africa are very nice and they are not afraid of us. But I'm a little afraid about speaking to them.
When I look out of my window by my bed I can see all the mud huts. They look like houses that are almost underground. People lay their laundry out on clips to dry. We see kids playing out there sometimes. And I got a souvenir giraffe named "giraffee."
The people on our team here are Caroline (and she is 19), Jade (and she is 19), Ollyvia (9 years old), Ellysa (11 yrs), Allyson (13 yrs), Madeleine (12 yrs), Baer (10 years), Taylor (10 yrs), Amanda & John, Laura & Skip, and Mom & Dad.
* And only tell Abby that I miss Abby very much. (But please don't tell the whole class.)

For Mrs. Cunningham's class from Taylor - Africa is prettier than you would think and everyone is so happy. All the people in the church are always smiling and giving us hugs. Our hotel is nicer than I thought it would be because it is like a mini apartment. There are many nice people in our group including 4 other girls. It has rained every day but it stops with ease. I am missing school but having fun here. There is a lot of pretty and unique artwork including the cute earrings I got.
It is sad to think, when I look out my hotel window, that there are other people living in huts when we can afford to live in a nice place. The huts are made of mud and extra pieces of metal and it's amazing that the people always have a smile on their face. I feel proud that I get to do this and I cannot wait to see you again. See ya! Taylor


Mom & Dad said...

Hi Sammie and Taylor,

What an incredible learning experience this trip is for you. It's good to see how people in other parts of the world live.

The people of Rwanda are fortunate to have people like you and your families there to try to help them.

We hope you are taking lots of pictures and journaling your trip for your scrapbooks. We can't wait to see and hear all about it.

We love you,
Oma and Papa

ilveekmjk said...

Hi Sammie and Taylor,

Thank-you so much for your journal entry. I am so proud of both of you and your mom and dad too. Even though you are in Rwanda to help others, I can hear in your writing that you too are getting something in return.

It's okay to feel shy Sammie, I am like that too sometimes. I am sure that after a while that shy feeling will go away, it always does for me.

Taylor, I love seeing beautiful art. Make sure that you take some pictures of the art works and please send some to me when you get home. Give mom and dad a hug for me. I love you all very much.

Love Auntie Terry