The First Day in Africa - Welcome to Rwanda

on Thursday, April 10, 2008

We are here! We touched down at about 7pm and exited immigration about 45 minutes later. Pastor Skip from our Church in Orange County was there to greet us along with about 6 from the church we've been assigned to here in Rwanda. All the greetings we practiced sure came in handy, and we did the air kiss to each cheek (3 times) and then a handshake as the traditional hello. Sammie received her first kiss on the cheek and then her hair was touched, and she turned to me with a knowing smile because we've talked about how her looks will gain a ton of attention down here.

Sammie says that so far Rwanda does not look like what she thought it would look like. She says if you imagined Rwanda, you wouldn't get it right. Well, we'll see what it really looks like in the morning when we get to see the actual mudhuts that are behind our hotel and the Genocide Memorial off in the distance. Our hotel is called the Impala hotel, and NO it's not like the Chevy Impala. There are actual fake impala's mounted at the entrance (I mean driveway) to the hotel. Our room is descent sized and has an outside kitchen. Needless to say, we won't be cooking outside.

Well, that's it for now. We're all pretty tired after the 8 hour flight today, and it's currently 10pm here in Rwanda. I'll have the girls right an update for you all tomorrow so you can get their perspective on the first day here. If possible, in the comments section... Can Summer, Abby, and Lexi's parents send me a comment to this page with their home address? I know the first/last name, and city (except don't know the zip code for Lexi either).

Thanks so much everyone! We look forward to giving you an update on how God will use us here in Rwanda.
Love, Kelly & Family


Mom & Dad said...

You all look pretty happy. Enjoy and take lots of pictures. We love you.

Mom and Dad (Oma and Papa)

ilveekmjk said...

Kelly you mentioned that Sammie will get some attention because of her looks, I am assuming you mean her very fair skin and light hair? When Roger lived Japan with his kids they were younger and very blond too, and he said that people always touched their hair and stared. They were solicited to make commercials too. I am sure once the kids are exposed to the real environment there they will do some of their own staring. What a great experience for all of you. I can't wait to see some pictures.

Sleep well.

Love Auntie Terry

ilveekmjk said...

PS I am not sure if this is what Taylor and Sammie will be doing while they are there, but I would like to know some simple games that pre-school and kindergarten age children like to play. I would also like to know some simple snacks that children in Rwanda like to make and eat. It would be nice to have these to work into some of the therapy sessions that I do with children.


Auntie Terry