Rwanda in 5 Minutes!

on Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We've been home a little over a week now and the thoughts of Rwanda are still all around us. We greet each other with a hearty "Muraho" and use "Yego" for yes and "Oy-ya" for No. We're still grimacing over thoughts of the "squatty potty" and smiling over thoughts of the wonderful family we shared this adventure with... The Lim's.

We're also very grateful for Pastor Skip and his wife Laura (and children) for being in Rwanda at the same time and leading us through our first international mission trip.

Having said all that... I've composed a little video for you that gives you a taste of what we did in Rwanda (sans Safari)... more pictures to come... I hope you enjoy!

ps - You WILL want to turn off the music on our blog page before starting the Rwanda video. The music is at the side of this blog page. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Very moving Kelly! I was in the library with head phones and my laptop when I viewed it and it made me cry. The tears were of both happiness and sadness. Sadness because the world today feels more polarized than ever before in my 48 years of life; and happy because in this world of turmoil are pockets of good deeds and people continuing to try and bring peace. It's like a tiny light in a mass of heavy darkness. Thank-you so much for all that you have done and are doing. You may have been in a small village in Rwanda, but the effects of your deeds rippled outwards from there and touched all the people who followed you. I love you all very much.

Love Auntie Terry

Anonymous said...

Wow...very moving. Can't wait to see the rest of your journey. I'd better wear waterproof mascara. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone.


Anonymous said...

This was so touching. And well made, I must add.
It would be great to see a post-trip update. How it is affecting your daily lives and perspectives.
Hugs to the OC Burton's from the Boise Davis'!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kel!!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience.
Congrats on a successful journey.

Anonymous said...

Kel, thanks for the insight into your journey. I loved it and could see how impactful this has been on you all. It's actually just hard to put in words the feelings I have when watching, so I'll stop trying!