The Queen of England says hello...

on Sunday, April 6, 2008

...Or atleast she would if she knew us!
We've arrived in London to a full blanket of snow (so glad we brought warm jackets too). The flight was uneventful, although it was hard for any of us to sleep. I think Taylor finished most of her assigned homework, and both girls spent some time sitting with the Lim's (Olivia + Alysia).
Going through customs wasn't difficult, but we did spend extra time waiting on Sammie's luggage because it was the only bag on the plane that didn't come out for claiming. United found it 1/2 hour later caught in the conveyor belt! We also misplaced Sammie's backpack having left it on the shuttle to our hotel, however the shuttle driver retuned when he found it. Lesson learned... keep track of our stuff!
Our hotel is perfectly located in Kensington near many famous spots like Hyde Park, Kensington Palace, + Herrods. I'm so thankful that all the hotel research I did brought us to our lovely hotel because it's actually a 2 bedroom apartment including a full kitchen, and patio!
Our internal clocks are very confused as England is 8 hrs ahead of California, but we managed to stay awake through 3pm here and then we all took a nap.
Tomorrow we will meet Eric's 2nd cousin, Erik Story from Norway, and officially become tourists.
So until tomorrow... God Save the Queen!


ilveekmjk said...

Hi guys, you sound exhausted, take care of yourselves so you don't get sick. I have always wanted to visit England, if you see any great looking medieval castles send me a picture. If you see the queen say "hey" from Auntie Terry. She knows who I am we go way back :) Well, take lots of pictures and have a great time. Love you all.

Love Auntie

Mom & Dad said...

Happy to see that you arrived safely and are looking forward to reading about your adventures. We love you.

Jax said...

Congrats on a safe journey to London!!!

If you go to Harrod's, be sure to go to the food court on the bottom floor. It's a feast for the senses.

If you are cheese fans, go to Paxton and Whitfield. It's where Winston Churchill and Prince Charles get their cheese. It's near
all the shopping at Bond Street.

If you kids need a hardcore caffiene fix, go to Bar Italia in SoHo It's where I got hooked on cauppuccinos.

And don't forget the excellent pub grub. Kids are welcome in pubs and I had the most amazing Chicken Tika Masala one visit.

Above all just have fun!!!!