Sightseeing - by Taylor

on Monday, April 7, 2008

This is Taylor's journal entry for our 1st day in London.
"Today I woke up really early because of the time differences, and read until everyone was up. Today I also met my 3rd cousin who lives in Norway, but goes to school here in England. I got to ride the tube everywhere as well! The tube is similar to a subway.
Erik, the name of our cousin, took us to a seven story toy store! There, Sammie and I each got a Build-a-Bear passport. After the toy store we saw Buckingham Palace and it was super pretty. Then I got to see Big Ben and the Eye of London (a giant ferris wheel). I learned that Big Ben is part of the Parliament building. Near there I picked up cool postcards for my friends. I took a lot of pictures with my digital camera, which was loads of fun. Finally, we saw the Tower of London which contains the Crown Jewels. It was interesting.
When we left, I realized that there was nothing about the Prime Minister, who does all the work. It only had stuff about the Kings and Queens. All they did was be born important but they get the jewels and fancy titles. It is a beautiful country, but I think the US has a better government.
In the end, Erik had to go back to his school to study for his exams and we went to our hotel, all bundled up."

Ps- Here's what Sammie had to say: "I woke up and had to get ready because my 3rd cousin was coming. I didn't even know what he looked like and then, after Starbucks, I was attached to him. His name is Erik. Erik was like flipping me upside down and it was really fun. And then I was sliding under him, it was really fun. And then he had to leave. It was hard to let go of him. The End"


Mom & Dad said...

Very good commentary Taylor. Give hugs and kisses to all.

Oma and Papa

ilveekmjk said...

Hi Taylor, thanks for the update. it sounds like you had a very full and fun day, that's great! I am not sure which of the 2 countries has a better government. However,what I do like about the British government is that the Prime Minister must meet in the House of Commons and all the other government official people really put the Prime Minister on the spot and make him answer some tough questions about the job he is doing. That doesn't really happen in our country. By the way, the toy store sounds great. The best toy store that I have ever gone to is FAO Schwartz in New York City.

Hugs to all of you.

Love Auntie Terry

Barry Brittingham said...


We hope you are having a great time on your trip. London sounded so exciting. We wanted to let you know the whole softball team is missing you. We look forward to reading your next entry.

Bye for now,
Sam and Coach Barry