Home - Safe & Sound

on Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hi everyone, after 37 hours of straight travel and flights to Entabbe (Uganda), Brussels, London, Chicago, and finally to Orange County... we're home. I'll email more about our travel experience later (which was not bad - just long). Today and the rest of the weekend we're just resting at home, reacclimating to the time, and spending time as just the four of us once again. We had a wonderful life changing experience and we'll write more later.
Thanks for checking in on us! Love, Kelly & Family


ilveekmjk said...

Welcome home my sweet little Burton family. I will admit that I was a little concerned for your safety, but hearing from you each day put my mind at ease. Thanks so much for sharing your trip with everyone, it was kind of like being there with you.

I love you all.

Love Auntie Terry :)

Mom & Dad said...

We're happy you are all home safe and sound. It was great to hear your voices today.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to hear you guys are safe and sound at home. We admit, we were also a bit concerned for your safety. So glad to hear all went well. We can't wait to hear more!!
Luv, The Garelick Girls

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are all home safe and sound.
Thank you for your contribution to the Rwanda and ultimately the world.
Looking foward to pics and stories.