This one time... on "Band Camp"

on Monday, June 30, 2008

This last week has been all about preparing for, going to, and enjoying Laughlin with our friends the Goldberg Family. Thursday through Sunday we enjoyed the sunshine on Lake Mohave on our boat (aka "Band Camp", it's named that because that is where Eric and I met in 1989 at Cal State Northridge in Marching Band Camp.)

We've found that little Luke Goldberg is truly a rival to the chattiness and craziness of our Sammie Burton. We all marvelled at the silly faces they could make and their equal affection for cured meat, earning them each a nickname of Pepper (Sammie) & Roni (Luke). Equally interesting was watching Sammie with both Goldberg boys come up with gross food concoctions at the end of our buffet breakfasts. I'll never look at Jello the same way again. And, as we've often said to others, why have more children... we already have our boy! (Tom boy that is!)

Taylor was quite keen to hang out with the adults, preferring to distance herself from the younger set. Additionally, Taylor set personal best records for her comfort zone riding the tube AND ventured to water skiing too! It was thrilling to watch her attempt to ski. Nervous as I was about it, I decided to be in the water with her for each take off and splash landing until she felt comfortable enough to be in the water on her own. And it shouldn't surprise anyone to know that she did get up on the skis twice!!! Go TEEEE! Brandon G. didn't have as much luck on the ski's, but he gave it an excellent try.
So once again, our desert escape on Band Camp did not disappoint anyone and we're already looking forward to getting back out there next month!