And so it begins...

on Monday, June 23, 2008

The heat of the summer, the sound of a sleepover (or as Sammie calls it "an S.O."), the mind filled with all the thoughts of what can be done together each day. What shall we do? If it's up to Sammie, it will be the beach all day every day. Up to Taylor? I don't know yet, she's content to be home and reading or watching a movie.

We filled this past weekend with a bible study with our friends the Angeli's and the Benta's. This was followed by a lazy Saturday morning, an 'S.O.' for Taylor and her bud Mackenzie, and a BBQ dinner with Eric's parents and Auntie Barbie. We always enjoy these visits with Aunt Barbie as she brings such a unique spark each place she goes. And, she was a new and eager audience to hear our Rwandan tale.

Sunday morning we headed out for a birthday party for a dear friend of mine, Jacquie who turned 40! Jacquie recently started a business to help those of us who are challenged when it comes to organization and she's doing really well. (You can check her out here: )

Lastly, we attended our weekly church service and then went to a reunion for all those who have gone to Rwanda from our church. They brought in a live choir from Rwanda of former street kids and they were HIGHLY entertaining! ( We stayed until the very end. However the best part of this evening was reuniting with our dear new family... the Lims & the Lanfrieds. Hugging them was like hugging brothers and sisters, we share bonds that cannot be broken. Lord do we love the Lims & Lanfrieds!

Enough of my rambling, I'm sure you've all had exciting weekends too. For now, I must get the kiddos off to bed and try to spend a few minutes with Eric before he falls asleep too. Tomorrow brings more opportunities to love my kids and enjoy them this summer... that is, as long as they get out of bed! Sleepy Heads!



Anonymous said...

I love your little stories. You really should be a writer. You do such a good job at it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kell,

Your fun filled summer reminds me of raising my own kids and how I wouldn't mind doing it all over again. While those days seemed simple and innocent, these days are nice too. My children are grown and off building their own family lives. I find it enjoyable watching them. Erika has settled into a nice rhythm with her new little family and Matthias is just working hard and enjoying life while he looks for that special someone to start his family with.

We had a nice July 4th weekend with a lot of Roger's family here from NJ and Matthias came from Boston too. The weather was perfect for our BBQ and afternoon playing croquet and bad mitten, and later we watched the fire works over Lake Canandaigua. Matthias took me out to a belated Mother's Day dinner and we had a great time laughing and talking.

I am interviewing for jobs and hope to be employed very soon. It is both exciting and scary starting a whole new career at the age of 48.

I love you all very much.

Love Auntie Terry