Crazy weekend behind us, summer days ahead...

on Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm so glad that last week is behind us. With Eric out of town in DC with his Dad, and the girls having their open house at school, I'm beat! On Friday I gave Sammie a hug and left her with the Miller Family and off to camping with Taylor's Junior Girl Scout troop we went.

Well, I have to admit it was So Cal camping in that we were away from home... but we were in a house the GS's own in Laguna Beach. Enough about the accommodations, it was a great experience and perfect weather.

These weekends away with the Troop are so fulfilling to the girls (and to me to - I admit it!) I'm not a regular GS leader, but I'm the camping Mom. This means each and every time they are away overnight, I get to go too. Selfish of me? Maybe. But it's not about being away from home, it's about discovering the personalities of the girls within the Troop and encouraging their natural gifts. The theme of this particular weekend was First Aid & Making Good Choices in Life. These 10 year old ladies are VERY big thinkers. We discussed the upcoming choices they'll be faced with in the coming years relating to smoking, drugs, alcohol, relationships, classes to take, and college. Our campfire discussion could have gone on for hours had the one magical word uttered not broken its spell... "Smores!"

On Sunday night the Burton family was once again fully intact having survived all the details of schedule and commitment the prior 7 days entailed. I think I'm the luckiest Mom in the world though. I get to share these life altering experiences with my children, encourage other youth as well, and maintain friendships near and far. Each Day I thank God for my life and the blessings it brings.


Kathleen said...

Loved this entry-- however I am a little bias since Summer was with you over the wknd. Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

Your post brought back fond memories of camping out with the GS when I was 10 years old. I remember Donna Russel threw up while hiking, Monica Shelton walked in her sleep, and Marlene Quintal and I got lost in the dark trying to find the out house. We all did sleep in tents and I hated sleeping on the hard bumpy ground so I brought one of those pool floats and blew it up to ease the discomfort. Some GS huh? It was fun though and such a simpler time.I love your stories of the adventures that your family has, it makes me miss when my kids were young. I wouldn't mind doing it all over again...with my own children or myself as a kid again.
Talk to you soon everyone, hugs and kisses.

Love Auntie Terry