The End of the School Year is Near!

on Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Around here the thoughts of summer are coming quickly, mostly due to the fact that we just had our first long weekend out on the boat (named "Band Camp"), and there are only 2 weeks of school left for the girls. The girls will be having a blast at a few camps this summer including those with church and with the Girl Scouts. But I believe the most exciting adventures will be on our boat sharing lazy days with one another and with whomever we can get to make the drive to Laughlin with us.

This past weekend as we were settling in for the sunset, imagine this picture if you will. It's perfectly warm (87 degrees), the water is still, the desert sky is alight with dusky blues and roses. The mountains surrounding the Mohave Lake are deep in shadows that have too many layers to count. There's no sisterly bickering going on! It's perfect... and then

a few teenagers arrive on the shore closest to us. They've hiked down the side of the mountain to also enjoy the sunset and a few stolen beers. We hear, "Hey catch this football." And the largest man of them throws it out to us, and almost makes it too. Eric reluctantly dove in the water (remember it had been peaceful) and retrieved the football. Once back on board our little Sammie chimes in towards our new friends on shore... very loudly... and says... "Say goodbye to your little friend!" Once we stopped laughing we tossed the football back as far as we could, which they also had to dive into the water to retrieve and that was the end of the peace. At least until we put our CD back on and drowned out their voices with our music. Once all was again perfect in the world we retreated back to our family bliss and enjoyed the show God provided.


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is a really nice blog. I can't believe the Burton family has grown. I just remember when it was just Eric & Kelly... and I was invited to the wedding. I miss you guys alot and think of you often. Glad to know you are doing well and you have such a lovely family.
Lizette Sanchez

PS. You can reach me at my email: Just in case you would like to say hello.