Happy Father's Day!

on Monday, June 16, 2008

There's something genuinely cool about having children, especially when they're still little enough to get excited about making a meal special for their parent, wrapping them handmade gifts in brown paper bags with foam stickers of seahorses on them, writing out coupon books for a meal out with their daughter alone (of course the parent is paying for this mini-date) and mauling them with love from the moment the eyes open from sleep! Yes, this was our Sunday for Father's Day. Eric loved his gifts from his girls, including the new picture below we gave him for his desk at work.

We spent a lazy day at the beach catching sand crabs, spotting a dolphin in the surf, and watching the kites fly in the sky. It was perfect, as long as you don't count my bee sting (not the bee's fault though - I put my arm down on it's stinger not knowing there was a bee there!)
In this coming week, the girls will finish 1st and 4th grade and begin clamoring for summer fun. Sammie is already rallying for beach time EVERY day! Also this week, my nephew Danny will graduate from High School. Since his situation at home has been strained this year between his parents - none of his Dad's side of the family is invited to the graduation. It breaks my heart not to see him on this very momentous day, but it's his decision to make and we'll respect it. I love that boy so very much and hope that we'll get to see him soon. So for now, we'll have to settle for sending him loving notes and words of encouragement to let him know how much we care.