July has arrived!

on Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yes, July is here and our summer is in full swing. Lot's of SO's (sleep overs), late nights where we just cannot stay on a schedule, and fun for everyone. July 4th was very eventful in that Taylor and Eric got up EARLY and went to do the YMCA "Run in the Park." It was the first 10K that Taylor had ever run and she did it in 1 hour & 23 min & 22 seconds - very impressive for a 10 year old! Later that weekend she was complaining that her legs hurt, and good Mom that I am... I said you're young - how could you possibly be sore? She said "Um, Mom... 10K? Remember?" Good Point T - good point!

We spent July 4th and 5th with friends in Simi Valley, lounging in the front yard, absorbing the misters that were very nicely setup for every ones enjoyment. Fireworks for the kids were viewed by climbing the rock across the street and looking out over the vast valley below. These are memories that just cannot be replaced (even if our children never remember living there).

This past Tuesday Eric and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary at a very exclusive club in Disneyland called "Club 33." I didn't realize what a treat this was until we arrived at Guest Services to find 2 free park hopper tix waiting for us and a dinner reservation as well! We rode everything that the girls would never want to ride in each park, including the roller coaster at California Adventure. Unfortunately though... my body thinks I'm getting older and immediately informed me to never do that again, too bad my head thinks I'm 18! After settling down on more comforting rides, we got ready for dinner (jeans and flip flops are not allowed) and made our way to the club. The only way to find it is by the "33" placard on the wall in New Orleans Square - with a private buzzer that questions you first before allowing you to enter. To make it short, it was an incredible meal, with a perfect view of "Fantasmic" and fireworks. I know why Disney fans are so enamored with this special place. We're so thankful that our friend Mike got us a reservation there!

Speaking of Mike, he and his wife (Kellyann) are bringing a new baby into the world today... Tristan Daniel. This little bundle of joy is scheduled to be delivered at Noon today, so the girls and I are off to meet this new little person right now.

Thanks for checking in on us Burton's! I hope to hear from you soon!