This one time... on "Band Camp"

on Monday, June 30, 2008

This last week has been all about preparing for, going to, and enjoying Laughlin with our friends the Goldberg Family. Thursday through Sunday we enjoyed the sunshine on Lake Mohave on our boat (aka "Band Camp", it's named that because that is where Eric and I met in 1989 at Cal State Northridge in Marching Band Camp.)

We've found that little Luke Goldberg is truly a rival to the chattiness and craziness of our Sammie Burton. We all marvelled at the silly faces they could make and their equal affection for cured meat, earning them each a nickname of Pepper (Sammie) & Roni (Luke). Equally interesting was watching Sammie with both Goldberg boys come up with gross food concoctions at the end of our buffet breakfasts. I'll never look at Jello the same way again. And, as we've often said to others, why have more children... we already have our boy! (Tom boy that is!)

Taylor was quite keen to hang out with the adults, preferring to distance herself from the younger set. Additionally, Taylor set personal best records for her comfort zone riding the tube AND ventured to water skiing too! It was thrilling to watch her attempt to ski. Nervous as I was about it, I decided to be in the water with her for each take off and splash landing until she felt comfortable enough to be in the water on her own. And it shouldn't surprise anyone to know that she did get up on the skis twice!!! Go TEEEE! Brandon G. didn't have as much luck on the ski's, but he gave it an excellent try.
So once again, our desert escape on Band Camp did not disappoint anyone and we're already looking forward to getting back out there next month!

And so it begins...

on Monday, June 23, 2008

The heat of the summer, the sound of a sleepover (or as Sammie calls it "an S.O."), the mind filled with all the thoughts of what can be done together each day. What shall we do? If it's up to Sammie, it will be the beach all day every day. Up to Taylor? I don't know yet, she's content to be home and reading or watching a movie.

We filled this past weekend with a bible study with our friends the Angeli's and the Benta's. This was followed by a lazy Saturday morning, an 'S.O.' for Taylor and her bud Mackenzie, and a BBQ dinner with Eric's parents and Auntie Barbie. We always enjoy these visits with Aunt Barbie as she brings such a unique spark each place she goes. And, she was a new and eager audience to hear our Rwandan tale.

Sunday morning we headed out for a birthday party for a dear friend of mine, Jacquie who turned 40! Jacquie recently started a business to help those of us who are challenged when it comes to organization and she's doing really well. (You can check her out here: )

Lastly, we attended our weekly church service and then went to a reunion for all those who have gone to Rwanda from our church. They brought in a live choir from Rwanda of former street kids and they were HIGHLY entertaining! ( We stayed until the very end. However the best part of this evening was reuniting with our dear new family... the Lims & the Lanfrieds. Hugging them was like hugging brothers and sisters, we share bonds that cannot be broken. Lord do we love the Lims & Lanfrieds!

Enough of my rambling, I'm sure you've all had exciting weekends too. For now, I must get the kiddos off to bed and try to spend a few minutes with Eric before he falls asleep too. Tomorrow brings more opportunities to love my kids and enjoy them this summer... that is, as long as they get out of bed! Sleepy Heads!


Happy Father's Day!

on Monday, June 16, 2008

There's something genuinely cool about having children, especially when they're still little enough to get excited about making a meal special for their parent, wrapping them handmade gifts in brown paper bags with foam stickers of seahorses on them, writing out coupon books for a meal out with their daughter alone (of course the parent is paying for this mini-date) and mauling them with love from the moment the eyes open from sleep! Yes, this was our Sunday for Father's Day. Eric loved his gifts from his girls, including the new picture below we gave him for his desk at work.

We spent a lazy day at the beach catching sand crabs, spotting a dolphin in the surf, and watching the kites fly in the sky. It was perfect, as long as you don't count my bee sting (not the bee's fault though - I put my arm down on it's stinger not knowing there was a bee there!)
In this coming week, the girls will finish 1st and 4th grade and begin clamoring for summer fun. Sammie is already rallying for beach time EVERY day! Also this week, my nephew Danny will graduate from High School. Since his situation at home has been strained this year between his parents - none of his Dad's side of the family is invited to the graduation. It breaks my heart not to see him on this very momentous day, but it's his decision to make and we'll respect it. I love that boy so very much and hope that we'll get to see him soon. So for now, we'll have to settle for sending him loving notes and words of encouragement to let him know how much we care.

Crazy weekend behind us, summer days ahead...

on Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm so glad that last week is behind us. With Eric out of town in DC with his Dad, and the girls having their open house at school, I'm beat! On Friday I gave Sammie a hug and left her with the Miller Family and off to camping with Taylor's Junior Girl Scout troop we went.

Well, I have to admit it was So Cal camping in that we were away from home... but we were in a house the GS's own in Laguna Beach. Enough about the accommodations, it was a great experience and perfect weather.

These weekends away with the Troop are so fulfilling to the girls (and to me to - I admit it!) I'm not a regular GS leader, but I'm the camping Mom. This means each and every time they are away overnight, I get to go too. Selfish of me? Maybe. But it's not about being away from home, it's about discovering the personalities of the girls within the Troop and encouraging their natural gifts. The theme of this particular weekend was First Aid & Making Good Choices in Life. These 10 year old ladies are VERY big thinkers. We discussed the upcoming choices they'll be faced with in the coming years relating to smoking, drugs, alcohol, relationships, classes to take, and college. Our campfire discussion could have gone on for hours had the one magical word uttered not broken its spell... "Smores!"

On Sunday night the Burton family was once again fully intact having survived all the details of schedule and commitment the prior 7 days entailed. I think I'm the luckiest Mom in the world though. I get to share these life altering experiences with my children, encourage other youth as well, and maintain friendships near and far. Each Day I thank God for my life and the blessings it brings.

The End of the School Year is Near!

on Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Around here the thoughts of summer are coming quickly, mostly due to the fact that we just had our first long weekend out on the boat (named "Band Camp"), and there are only 2 weeks of school left for the girls. The girls will be having a blast at a few camps this summer including those with church and with the Girl Scouts. But I believe the most exciting adventures will be on our boat sharing lazy days with one another and with whomever we can get to make the drive to Laughlin with us.

This past weekend as we were settling in for the sunset, imagine this picture if you will. It's perfectly warm (87 degrees), the water is still, the desert sky is alight with dusky blues and roses. The mountains surrounding the Mohave Lake are deep in shadows that have too many layers to count. There's no sisterly bickering going on! It's perfect... and then

a few teenagers arrive on the shore closest to us. They've hiked down the side of the mountain to also enjoy the sunset and a few stolen beers. We hear, "Hey catch this football." And the largest man of them throws it out to us, and almost makes it too. Eric reluctantly dove in the water (remember it had been peaceful) and retrieved the football. Once back on board our little Sammie chimes in towards our new friends on shore... very loudly... and says... "Say goodbye to your little friend!" Once we stopped laughing we tossed the football back as far as we could, which they also had to dive into the water to retrieve and that was the end of the peace. At least until we put our CD back on and drowned out their voices with our music. Once all was again perfect in the world we retreated back to our family bliss and enjoyed the show God provided.