School is IN!

on Thursday, September 4, 2008

Finally, our countdown to grades 5 and 2 are over and the girls have started back to school. The realization that Taylor is in her final year of Elementary School has hit us all and really, Taylor is more excited than you can imagine. Do you remember what it was like to want to be older, but still hold on to the comfort of younger things? Like wanting to look like a teen, but liking to play with your little sister and some of her toys at the same time. This is our home!

Taylor has a teacher that is new to our school, however Mrs. Heuer has been in our district for 11 years. The BIG bonus is that Mrs. Heuer has taught middle school math and T really wants to learn some big-time algebra, so she's excited to have this teacher! She only wishes a few more of her good friends were in there too.

Sammie is already in love with her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Robbins. She has her best friend Abby in the class too, so all is good in Sammie-land.

Soccer games begin this Saturday and it's going to be awesome to see our girls in action on the field once again!


Anonymous said...

They are so cute! Time goes too fast. Nicole

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly a 5th grader and a 2nd grader! I remember when we moved in next to you guys back in 2002 and Taylor was so little and Sammie was just a baby. Boy how time flies! Well they are both absolutely beautiful and such wonderful young ladies. You and Eric are amazing parents!
Greg, Andrea and Elly