Shaved the Cats! Yes, you read it correctly...

on Friday, August 22, 2008

OK, before I talk about the cats...
Dad is doing great! He's home and the kidney is working great. He's keeping his follow-up appointments at UCLA and he sounded downright giddy when I spoke with him yesterday. So far so good. Thank you everyone for the prayers, and the notes, and the concern. We ALL appreciate it more than you could know.

Now, the cats! While Taylor and Eric were away this week, I took the cat hair problem into my own hands - or hand! I called the mobile groomer and had him make our two longgggg hair kitties look like well groomed mini lions (or poodles). Sammie was upset with me after the first cat re-entered the house. She screamed and blocked the door. Later, she calmed down and liked the look. They're much softer now and are really acting pretty happy too! When I told Eric over the phone (he was in NY at the time) he said "Wow, Taylor is going to be so mad at you!" Well, he was right and I knew that she would be too. When I picked her up from camp today, I chose my moment very carefully before returning home. I told her, and she screamed. (Maybe I underestimated the value of cat hair?) After calmly reassuring her that she had every right to be upset, and that it was OK. I reassured her that the boys (that's what we call Odie and Howie) were very happy and acted like they like the lack of hair! She calmed down and really was just fine. I don't know if I'll ever do it again, but I do know... next time I'll make sure she knows ahead of time!


Anonymous said...

Hi my lovely Burton family. Your kitties look very cute and I am sure that they feel better. I have a little persian/maine coon mix cat and she has very long hair. She has a kind of mild CP with seizures, and can't groom herself very well due to soft flaccid muscles. Therefore, I have to groom her and she absolutely hates to be groomed which makes it difficult for me. As a result every so often her hair gets kind of matted and so we have to have her shaved. She always appears to feel much better afterwards. I read that it can be painful for cats to have matted fur because it tugs on the skin and feels pinchy. I imagine it probably feels like someone constantly pulling your hair too. There is no doubt in my mind that your boys feel better now. The little lion cut does look a little funny though and can be shocking to see at first.

On another note, I am so happy that your dad is home safe and sound. I hope and pray that this kidney works for a good long time for him. What a blessing for your family.

Well, we have to run off to one of Ian's summer plays at his arts camp. He is playing Teddy Roosevelt in the play Arsenic and Lace. Yesterday they put a trapeze show on. This camp is amazing!

Love you all!
Love Auntie Terry