Kelly's Morning Muse

on Tuesday, September 23, 2008

School has begun, soccer has begun, Girl Scouts has begun, the Small Group is meeting again, and Mom alone time has begun once again too. This leaves me time to muse about my family, my life and this journey that God has placed me on.

First, I must tell you that Eric received an email yesterday from one of our interpreters in Africa from the Nazareen Church, Julius. Here was his email:

"Pastor Eric and Kelly,
I have tried many times to send you my greetings but messages failed. I will never forget the good time we had together at Nazarene Church. I also believe that the ministry goes well. We always talk about you. My young daughter chose to be called Kelly. We miss you a lot, we hope to see u in the future. May God bless you. Your Interpreter Jules."

I cried when I read this message because it's obvious from the email that we touched them as much as they touched us. His daughter decided to be called my name! What a huge compliment and testimony to just showing up! Also... Pastor Eric! :) funny huh!

In other news, my computer died a violent death and was resurrected once again. This time I tried the "Make It Work" service and it was fantastic! If you want to use them... just tell them I referred you (Referral ID: 789932).

Our small group is doing "40 Days of Love" based wholly on the Great Commandment and Commission. "Love the Lord with all your heart & Love your neighbor as yourself." As we break down these instructions and try to make them practical in every day life I realize that I'm not always very lovable and other people can be EGR's (extra Grace required), but maybe I'm an EGR to them! In any case, it's part of the journey. Not everyone has to be my best friend, but I also don't have to be disagreeable to those that are not my friends. We can all disagree without being disagreeable, yes?

On a separate note, the Burton Family is high on politics these days. We openly discuss the candidates and their positions. We watched both primaries and we're eagerly awaiting the debates (the VP debate is next week.) It's fun to get the girls to think about our country - especially when they've been out of the country and know that we're not all perceived the same way in other parts of the world.

Enough musing for now... thanks for following the Burton Family journey. We love you all and hope to hear from you soon.
