Kidney's and other "Parts" of our life...

on Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life never seams to slow down, it just changes to different paces throughout each day. Each days brings new challenges, laughter, thoughts, and most of all blessings. The latest blessing comes in the form of a new kidney for my Dad. At this time, he's at UCLA in the ICU with a newly given kidney. The kidney comes from a tragedy another family experienced (car accident from 19 year old), and they brought life to my Dad from it. This selfless acts reminds me that we could all stand to be more selfless each day. It's not about me right? Dad is doing great and is happy to not only have the kidney, but the stuffed "Papa Bear" build-a-bear that Taylor and Sammie gave to him that has a recorded voice of them saying "Get well soon Papa. We love you!."

On another note, Eric is preparing to run a 1/2 marathon in San Diego this weekend, and I'm preparing to start coaching soccer Today!!! I'm looking forward to seeing what name they pick for our little team (dressed in pink/blue) uniforms.

Next week Taylor will embark on a journey that will take her away from home for 5 days to learn more about the Lord with our church at camp. As she's packing right now, I'm reminded just how much she is growing up - I wish this pace would slow down. I'm missing the coloring at my side days (as Sammie is doing as I type this!).

So wherever you are today in your journey, I'm hoping your pace is just right and that you recognize the blessings in front of you - however great or small. I know mine are all around me, and for that I'm so very thankful!