Surfing Anyone?

on Sunday, March 30, 2008

While in Hawaii this weekend, Kelly and I tried surfing together for the first time this morning. Despite living in Southern California all these years this was a first for us both. We had a blast...Kelly was definitely the natural and we have some great pictures to prove it. The best way to sum up our surfing skills is to say that I always looked as if I were about to wipe out and Kelly often looked like she could ride it all the way into the beach. She did awesome! We came away with some great memories and I even managed, somehow, to deposit my wedding ring on the floor of the Pacific Ocean in the process - looks like I'll be doing some jewelry shopping tomorrow.

With our Rwanda trip just around the corner this time together has been a nice break. We miss Taylor and Sammie terribly, but know they're in good hands with my sister Julie.

Talk to you soon cousins...
