Getting Closer!!

on Thursday, March 6, 2008

Since the last update we've been practicing our language skills, saying thank you to so many friends and family that have sent donations for our trip, and generally trying to stay healthy! It's not easy to do this when our sports practices are at night and we're already keeping the sniffles at bay.

Here's a special note though, tomorrow Taylor will get to play her violin in a special concert put on by our school district (held at our church funny enough). She was selected to represent her school (along with 3 others) to play 8 songs with other children selected from their elementary schools at the Honor Orchestra recital Friday night! So yesterday we went shopping for the dressy dress and shoes for this semi-formal event. I'll post a picture of her dressed up after we're finished tomorrow.

No update on Sammie except to say that she is loving tetherball (sp?) these days and since we got a tetherball pole in the backyard all she can think about is playing it even more!