January Morning Ramble

on Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Having just returned from my workout with my friend Kellyann, and checking on email, facebook, and other details (and distractions) I've realized that it's been three weeks since I wrote any update! Here goes!

Sammie had to have 2 teeth removed because she doesn't have enough room for the adult teeth to come in. We opted to let her have Nitris Gas so that when the dentist removed the teeth, everyone in a 20 mile radious would still have their eardrums in tact! The tooth fairy barely remembered this momentous occasion and flew in at 6:30 am to make sure Sammie was taken care of properly. Whew!

Taylor tried out for the Honor Orchestra for the Capo Valley School District and she was accepted, only 2 students from her school were invited to play violin in this group. The practices now begin and the performance will be in March. We're very proud of her.

My father is having some medication issues relating to his new kidney and he'll be going into the hospital overnight on Thursday of this week. Please join me in praying that they'll find the source of his problem and they're able to remedy the situation quickly. The smile has faded from his lips and it would be wonderful to see it put back.

As for me, well, I'm trying to eat better and maintain my workout schedule. This is hard business! I'm still playing softball every week on a team and unless I get lucky on base, there's not a lot of running involved at this weekly game for me. So I either need to pick up the slack at home OR start going to the batting cages to improve my hitting skills so that I can get on base more. Hummm.... decisions... decisions...

Lastly, Sammie is continuing to work on Eric for a dog. She wants one in the worst way and stears the conversation towards a dog at every opportunity. I don't know how long Eric will be able to maintain his composure on the subject, but only time will tell. Maybe if she tells him she'd name the dog "Rothlesburger" or "Steeler" she'd have more luck with him! Go Pittsburgh!