It's Arrived!!

on Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 has arrived for us all, whether we were ready or not! I don't think I was quite ready to realize that in 2009 my oldest daughter will go to Middle School and being Ivy League College minded we're going to have to see a college counselor this year to get her on track! I also don't think I was quite ready face the reality that my diet is WAY off track and I need to get back on target now. I guess Oprah is not the only one!

In the last three weeks our family has been busy as usual, but we enjoyed the pace of visiting family and having family visit us. We embraced the Christmas season head on by letting go of little things (like cooking meals - or maybe that was just me) and opted for convenience to stay later visiting others or in service to our church or community. We spent Christmas with both my parents and brother (and James... wish Danny was there too), and having all of Eric's side of the family over for a huge celebration as well. We were so fortunate that everyone attended including all siblings and their children (we missed Ben), and Martina & Lada's family, and Elyssa too. Yes, this was the Elyssa of our past - and I'm happy to report that we've seen her a few times this past month and each time was marked with laughter and goodness. She's doing well in school as a Junior at the local HS.

Following our big Burton Party we traveled along highway 1 North towards Aunt Barbara's House for a week-long visit. We stopped for a night in Monterey to enjoy the aquarium and the beautiful town. The kids really liked this place and hoped that we'd return soon. With Aunt Barbara and her beau Fred we did so much! We went wine tasting in the Russian River Valley, ice skating in Santa Rosa at the rink Charles' Shultz (think Peanuts cartoon) built, went hiking in Windsor, visited the original Powell's candy shoppe, bought crab for New Year's Eve at Bodega Bay (the spot of "The Birds" movie), visited downtown San Fransisco, and played games every night. We were all so exhausted but didn't want the fun to end! One of the best parts of this trip was that it was our first to her home. However it won't be the last. The kids did a great job budgeting their souvenir money - at least Taylor did! Sammie blew it all in Monterey - oh well... we'll keep working on it.

And now on to business as usual... get some food in the house, get the laundry done, take down the Christmas decorations, exercise (Maybe this should be first?), and get a shower... So much to do -