Muraho - Neemayzah!

on Friday, April 11, 2008

We started today with a Rwanda breakfast of fresh juice (using bottled water only to make it), eggs, fruits, and the best coffee ever. I'm definitely bringing some of this back with us. We had a brief meeting with Skip, our pastor, went on a tour of the city, and then to the actual site of the hotel the movie "Hotel Rwanda" was based upon. It was powerful to say the least.
Next we had our first official meeting with our host church here in Rwanda, and we were greeted so graciously. Everyone has been so warm and inviting. The children have huge smiles and they are just as curious about us as we are about them. They ask us where we are from and just to say the US is enough, adding California is too much information. There are some words that don't translate well in their language so we are learning to speak simply and slowly. We put together a plan for the remainder of our week here, through interpreters, to make sure we are addressing their needs educationally. Surprisingly they were very prepared for this! They even had a proposed agenda with timelines and everything.
Lastly this evening the children of their church danced 3 songs for us, and the women of their church cooked for us. Don't ask me what we ate, but it was flavorful. They have so many smiles for our families and it's such a gift from God to even be here.
Thank you all for your continued support of our family through prayer during out trip here to Rwanda. And in case you were wondering... Muraho is How are you, and Nemmayzah is I am well.
Imana Ishemway!


Anonymous said...

Enjoying your entries. They are giving a really good account (synopsis) of your adventures. I look forward to reading.
Health and safety-

Anonymous said...

Glad everyone's having such a great time! Looking forward to following your adventures. Love you all!!
Aunt Julie

The IMAGE Project said...

Hi. I am your mom's penpal of 40 years - cousin from Minnesota. I started a nonprofit that helps the Maasai tribe in Tanzania, East Africa so I am interested in your journey. Judy forwarded an email to me and I am watching your travels. Thanks so much for all you are doing in Rwanda and I'm sure your family will never be the same - in a good way. God Bless you in your travels. Deb Pangerl

Mom & Dad said...

Dad says "Mugambi Hiawatha!"

Absolutely FABULOUS! You sound like you're having a good time and getting a great education in the process. What an adventure! Are you able to post a picture of any of the kids with your girls? Looking forward to your next adventures. We love you all.

Mom and Dad (Oma and Papa)

Anonymous said...

Hello Burtons! I'm glad to hear that your trip is going well. What a big world we live in. I read all of your entries and feel like I'm right there with you. What a terrific way to share your experience. Taylor - Can you get a picture of you playing soccer with the kids there? Take care... and see you soon.

Coach Eric

Anonymous said...

Hello Burtons,

I have been following your daily adventures. It sounds like you are having a great experience. Good luck and stay safe. God Bless.

Uncle Vern