Sammie is 8 and other news...

on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our little girl had her 8th birthday party a few weeks ago and celebrated with a small slumber party in the theme of "Littlest Pet Shops." She wanted to forgo the traditional pizza in favor of cheeseburgers and fries, and she couldn't wait to stay up late with her little peeps! And they did... until just after Midnight! Everyone had a wonderful time and went home exhausted.

This month has been difficult for my Dad's health because his kidney (the new one) is under attack. His body finally created enough antibodies to start a full-blown attack on the new organ, and it has. He's been admitted to UCLA three times already this month for specific treatments, and this last time they restarted dialysis. I wish I new more about diabetes and kidney transplants to know if this is a good thing or a last ditch effort. In any case, we're praying for his health.

This past weekend a "Facebook" inspired reunion for my high school took place in Thousand Oaks. My BFF from Idaho flew in town and we went to the event together. It's always interesting to look back at the people that helped to shape you in high school and see where they are now. Some are parents, some are married, some are not. Many have lost hair, or gotten some "work" done. In any case, for me, it was great to be in the room and feel a confidence in who I am now and genuinely happy for those whom I saw and spoke with over their life accomplishments thus far. We didn't go to an affluent school, and I discovered some ugliness in the stories of HS that were recounted (from the home life of these chums) that I was blissfully unaware of at the time. I don't know how I would have handled it then. But now, I know where to go with it and I'm so thankful.

After the reunion, on Sunday morning Nicole and I drove to Ventura to meet another old and dear friend, Belinda. Belinda and I have been friends since 5th grade! In the past 8 years (that's how long it had been since we'd seen each other) she married and had a child. Her son, Justin, is now 4 years old and is so adorable. If I could have taken him home with me I would have, and I believe he would have gone with me too! We had a connection Justin and I!

So as our family heads into March we're looking forward to the start of soccer season, and the final 4 months of school. Taylor cannot wait to begin middle school and still has daily questions for me about it! I'm looking forward to the orientation so that MAYBE some of this questioning can come to an end.

God Bless You All and Thanks for Following our Family Adventure in Life!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Justin would have definitely gone with you (he's still asking when he can!). It was so wonderful to see you both - I still can't believe its been 8 years since I've actually seen you in person - and I promise it won't be another 8 until our next get together (which will be much longer than lunch!).

Please wish Sammie a belated happy birthday from the Hammonds.....and of course, know that your dad and your entire family will be in our prayers!

I miss you already!
- Belinda