Jean in the hospital

on Sunday, November 2, 2008

Normally, I'd just post about our crazy weekend. Halloween costumes (Taylor was a candy corn & Sammie a bee). And how Eric ran in the NY Marathon today (11/2) and finished all 26.2 miles in a personal best of 4 hrs and 13 minutes. However, all of this greatness is overshadowed knowing that Eric's Mom, Jean, is currently in the hospital in Oceanside fighting to wake up.

As you may or may not know, Jean has Multiple Sclerosis and she's battled with it for 35+ years. She's gone from a belly-dancing, aerobic class taking, nurse and teacher, to a woman who is hand fed by her loved ones and taken care of 24/7 by Ron (her husband) and her hired care takers. She can no longer even use the controls on her wheelchair and she must be pushed. It's been a long road to say the least. It's been difficult to watch someone so alive on the inside succumb to such a horrible disease. She's a model of grace and love, with a ready smile for everyone she meets. And we know that if she doesn't come through, she'll be going to meet Jesus, because that is where her hope lies.

In the next 24 hours we'll get the results of her scans to know if there is still brain activity, and if the blood clots they found in her chest have been reduced. She's stable right now, but still intubated. She may wake up on her own, however the doctors did not want to raise any hopes telling me that she may not wake up at all.

So, after spending the night with family and being close to the hospital, we're now home and waiting for Eric's flight to arrive from NY. He'll spend tomorrow with his family in Oceanside. It was difficult for Eric to stay in NY to run knowing what was going on here. He got the news only hours after arriving in NY too. However EVERYONE here told him to stay and run - this is what Jean would be telling him to do! On a side note, both of Eric's uncles and one aunt had scheduled more than 6 months ago to be here for a visit. They've all arrived and isn't God amazing to know that Ron and his children would need the support of their extended family this week.

Thank you for following our family. God Bless You All!

Burton Halloween Pictures (copy & paste this link):


Anonymous said...

I am really sorry to hear about Eric's mom. I'm glad the family will be together and I will be sending my thoughts and prayers to all of you.

Lizette Sanchez

Kathleen said...

Kelly, I haven't checked your blog in a while and am deeply saddened to hear about Eric's mom. My heart goes out to you and your family. She will be in our prayers.

With love,

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....and I will certainly be praying for positive news today! Jean is a wonderful person and always so amazingly upbeat - and she knows she's got the support of an amazing family all the way! Please do keep me posted....and if there's anything I can do to help (with the girls or with anything), know I'm right here for you all!