
on Friday, August 1, 2008

This past week (or should I say blur) we've been headed off to church every morning for our annual VBS - Vacation Bible School! This high energy event pairs 3000+ kids with willing adult leaders (like me) to teach them about Jesus in a fun and exciting way. We have a loud and vibrant band, water games, theatre and a minimum of 10 kids per adult to care for. Well, having read about our past month you can imagine how tired we all are already, and Taylor did get sick and miss the last 2 days of the camp. However, Sammie and I persevered, along with Ellysa Lim (from our Rwanda trip) to lead our group all week.

I think we're all looking forward to slowing down in the coming month to bask in the sun & do nothing. We're hoping so spend some time in my parents pool, lay in the sand at the beach, and connect with a few friends in a very LOW key way.

For now, we're glad to have been a part of VBS, but we're also glad we have a non-packed month ahead of us.