Yesterday we participated in the MS Walk down in Carlsbad, CA. It was a wonderful day walking with Eric's family, but the heaviness in the air was knowing that Jean wasn't there to share in it with us. We've all known that the day would come where she wouldn't be at the Walk... and although the time arrived this year, we all felt the loss. She died in November, and she's dancing in heaven, but we missed her smile this weekend. Saturday would have been her birthday - which Eric marked by placing flowers at her grave. On Sunday, when we walked as a family, we wore tags that Julie had made that said "Team Remembering Jean" and it had a picture of her from college. The announcers noticed this tag and asked us about her. It was a cathartic moment for all of us, but greatly expressed by Eric's father, Ron.
In other news, the school year is marching on and the end of elementary school is fast approaching for Taylor. Last week I attended the parent meeting at the Middle School and I left being very excited for Taylor and the adventure that's ahead of her. She's going to have many wonderful times in Middle School - besides the academics. So while others around me sighed heavily with a feeling of loss for themselves, I smiled largely because I remember the great time I had in Junior HS myself. It was one of the favorite times in my life, and I pray it will be for Taylor as well.
Sammie is still hoping that she's going to get a dog soon. Her weekly crying over the prospect of a dog and how much better her life would be with a canine is increasing. In fact, she's been adamant about this for about 9 months now! I remember life with dogs (from my childhood) and I loved them, but I didn't really care for them... so I'm apprehensive! Eric is opposed, but I do believe that Sammie is pulling on his heartstrings and I don't know how long he'll resist. When he finally gives in our yard will be a thing of the past, as will some of our furniture. I know these are just things, but they will be hard things to look at with teeth marks in them! It will be like adopting a child if I recall correctly! No need to rush these things you know!
Next week Eric and I will both be in the OC 1/2 marathon. Eric will run it and I'll be walking it with my pal Kellyann. We've been listening to Eric's training advice and taking into account our speed, we've decided to run for a minute every 10 minutes. We have to finish the course in under 3.5 hours in order to earn our medal... and we're very hopeful that we can. We know that we can complete the distance, it's just completing it in the time allotted that we're leery of. WE CAN DO IT!! Taylor will also be running in this event, but she'll complete the final mile of a marathon and then earn a marathon medal. The other 25 miles she ran at school over the course of 5th grade - cool huh!
Would you expect anything other than a crazy update of our lives? Probably not and so why alter your expecations?
Over the spring break we finally took the much anticipated Maui trip and stayed at the Hyatt in Lahaina/Ka'anapali. Maui IS every bit as beautiful as everyone says. I loved that there were no high rise buildings, no billboards on the side of the road, and it felt small and lush, and so happy to be there. In our week we went snorkeling, lava flow driving, , luau oogling, kayaking, waterfall viewing, kite board amazing, and downright relaxing. The pool at the Hyatt had a waterslide that our girls lived in, and a cave with a waterfall that they swam through many times. By the time our heads hit the pillow each night, snores were emminent within 60 seconds! The pacific ocean was our full view from our room, along with a sideways glance towards Mount Halekalea. We fell asleep to the sounds of waves gently lapping the sand... aahhhh.
When reality hit that our week was over in Maui, we silently packed and trudged to the airport. No big travel news here - the girls are wonderful travelers. We capped our trip with a dinner at In-and-Out Burger before going home and it totally completed the perfectness of the week.
On Easter we shared a meal with Eric's Dad (Ron), Julie (Matt & Zack), and Martina and her family as well. (Lada, Rachel & Troy). We hid nearly 60 eggs for the kids to find and luckily they found them all. Each year I wonder though because inevitibally I'll find one rotting plastic egg in the garden sometime over the next 12 months and marvel at how something so cute could become so stinky!
All in all, it's hard to believe that our vacation is over, that the kids are back to school today, and that they only have 2 months left in school too! Yikes, time to start planning the summer!